I recently came across this awesome little sign, which now has found it's home on my kitchen window sill. (please disregard the coffee splatters on the blinds...I am so embarrassed...I am a wild coffee drinker, what can I say?). Every time I look at this sign, it reminds me of the simple truth that I can change the world if only for one person. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the evil and sadness in the world and I think that the situation is hopeless
- 143 million orphans - how can this be?! But the saying on my window sill is truth and one life changed, changes another and another until the world changes.

- 143 million orphans - how can this be?! But the saying on my window sill is truth and one life changed, changes another and another until the world changes.

When I look at my life, I can daily see and touch the evidence that I can be the change I want to see in the world. May I never be content with an unchanged world.

What a great visual of the change in a child's life. Thanks, Amanda for spurring us on.
ReplyDeleteThat is a quote from Mahatma Ghandi. It's excellent!