Monday, November 15, 2010

Monster Birthday

How does one throw a Monster Party for a 3 year old? This was the question I pondered for months as Gwendolyn had requested a monster party waaaaay back in June.
I didn't want a scary monster party, but I didn't really want to do Monsters Inc. either.
So I made some monster cakes and cupcakes (not shown) and called it a day.
My birthday girl was happy... 
...and that is all that really matters.
I dare you to find anyone cuter than this girl
No...I double dog dare you
Happy Birthday, Gwendolyn! 


  1. so sweet! She looks so much like Kathryn to us. We can't wait to meet her someday. I love the Monster creativeness - you go girl!

  2. She is beautiful and you are one clever Mom!!!
