Monday, November 1, 2010

Next year I am going to be Martha Stewart for Halloween...

I found orange bags at Michael's for only $1 and thought "we can have craft time and paint these while sipping apple cider and eating homemade pumpkin will be perfect" You would think I would have learned better by now.
During our craft time, I didn't make pumpkin cookies and no one wanted apple cider. One of my kids was sent to their room for...well, I'll leave that part out. One child painted all over their arm with permanent fabric paint...did I mention it was permanent?  So my dream of afternoon bliss evaporated just like that. (sigh)
However, even though no one was sipping cider and eating cookies - all while arising and calling me "blessed" - all the kids had a great time (well the one in their room might have a different story...) and the bags turned out wonderful. Each bag representing the personality of the person who made it.
Gwen had a little bit of help from Lukas.
 So the day didn't turn out like a page in Living magazine, but I am not living in a magazine. I am living my life...and I wouldn't trade it for all the homemade pumpkin cookies in the world!

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